Introducing Sex Toys - Sexynews #74

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Introducing Sex Toys - Sexynews #74

Introducing sex toys for the first time can be a little confusing and sometimes even overwhelming. With so many options and toys to choose from, many beginners wonder where to start. There’s really no right or wrong answer! It really depends on the individual or couple.

Can sex toys improve my relationship?

YES!! Sex toys can indeed improve your relationship and your sex life! Many relationships start in the bedroom so it makes sense to start there when trying to improve your relations with your partner. If both partners aren’t being sexually satisfied, this can lead to all sorts of complications and issues in other aspects of their relationship. If a relationship isn’t thriving, it will inevitably affect other parts of your lives. We recommend couples start with a Couples Sex Toy that they can both use together.

What should I consider before choosing my first sex toy?

It’s essentially a matter of personal preferences and what feels right for your body. There are many aspects to consider before purchasing your first toy. Some toys vibrate, some rotate, some thrust, some use air technology while some use sonic waves. Each toy is designed to meet a specific need and in some cases, is multi-purpose.

Things you may want to consider buying include:

  • Type of Stimulation: What part of the body do you want to stimulate?
  • Price: Do you have a budget in mind? Quality toys typically cost more.
  • Size: Are you someone who enjoys deeper penetration or a wider girth?
  • Materials: Do you have any allergies or sensitivities to certain materials?
  • Vibrating or Non-Vibrating: Would you like to feel vibrations during stimulation?
  • Power & Speed: Do you need something wild and untamed or gentle and relaxing?
  • Shape: Everyone’s body is different, therefore, some toy shapes will feel better to some than others.
  • Functionality: Do you need something with lots of options or just push the button and go?
  • Internal / External: Are you needing to stimulate internally, externally or both simultaneously?
  • Batteries / Rechargeable: Do you mind changing batteries or do you prefer something you can recharge before use?

How to introduce a sex toy to my very conservative partner?

Sometimes getting one’s partner involved in playing with sex toys can be a bit tricky. There are many reasons why people may remain reluctant to try a sex toy and sometimes, the best we can do is accept this and move forward. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to discuss it with your partner and try to encourage them to at least try it once. Sometimes, it helps to talk to your partner about the Benefits of Sex Toys. Many people aren’t aware of how sex toys can improve their lives and focus more on the negative stereotypes associated with them. Make it clear to your partner why you want to try using sex toys together and reassure him or her that sex toys can enhance your experience, not replace or substitute the closeness between you. Try shopping together. This can actually be a lot of fun. Discuss the mutual benefits of using sex toys. Some toys like Cockrings can be used to turn your partner into the sex toy. This ensures the focus stays on your partner and not the toy.

Should I be concerned about my wife using sex toys?

The short answer is NO. Absolutely not! In fact, most times, women prefer the human to human contact and the feel of a real man’s body against her when having intercourse. Many women may experience more difficulty with reaching an orgasm than men by penetrative sex alone which is why a Sex Toy can be very helpful. In many instances, sex toys help level up the playing field so that she can experience orgasms every time like many men do. When both partners are sexually satisfied, it creates a sense of equality and helps to build the relationship between both partners. Intimacy is very important and giving your wife the encouragement to use tools she may need to help her reach her climax will actually help strengthen your bond and bring you both closer.

Benefits of sex toys

A healthy sexual wellness has long been associated with better mental health overall in both men and women. Sex is more than just a physical sensation. It affects every part of your being, including your emotional and psychological well-being. Sex isn't just happening to your sexual organs. It's happening to every part of you, including your brain. Sexual satisfaction is also a very important part of having better sleep and overall performance levels. The feel good chemicals released from sex do a lot to combat stress, fatigue and other ailments many people face. For people who are experiencing trouble achieving sexual satisfaction turning to sex toys is often the best option.

Own your sexuality

Introducing sex toys for the first time requires a bit of openness and willingness to explore new sensations and experiences. We live in a time when sexuality is a form of self empowerment and every individual should be proud to own their sexuality and explore what feels right for them.


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