Sexyland Funpass Rewards is our loyalty program with one goal in mind - making your life more pleasurable. We have something real sexy for everybody!
So join the fun and reap the rewards that loyalty provides you.
Here’s how it works
For every dollar you spend during a year at Sexyland (online or in-store) you edge closer to a new level of pleasure with steamy rewards awaiting you.
Every Sexyland newbie is given a reward off their first purchase.
A gift from us to you…From there, you decide how far your loyalty goes.
Here is everything you need to know
- $1 spent = 1 point
- Birthday = $20 gift
- Receive a $10 reward when you spend $150
BONUS points when you sign up online and join our Funpass
- Like on Facebook or on Instagram = 50 points
- Share on Facebook = 80 points
- Leave a review online = 100 points
We hope you enjoy your time with us, we can’t wait to see how far you’ll go.
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