The Fun Specialists’ Favourite Vibrators This Easter

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Easter has a lot going for it – what’s not to love about all the sweet chocolate-y treats, cute bunnies, and two extra days off work?

our favourite rabbit vibrators this easter

If you’re looking to indulge in some naughty fun this Easter that doesn't involve massive calorie intake, the Fun Specialists can hook you up with a cheeky little sexcapade this upcoming long weekend. We’re talking about unwrapping something that lasts longer than the intro credits to a movie - we’re talking about the trusted, ultra-powerful rabbit vibrator!

Revolutionise your pleasure with a rabbit vibrator and discover earth-shattering joy! Read on for the lowdown on this cheeky little toy, courtesy of Sexyland’s Fun Specialists...

Our most popular sex toys for her

Popular with women the world over, the rabbit vibrator is gender neutral and was made immortal by the likes of Sex and the City. Offering simultaneous internal and external pleasure, the rabbit vibrator pampers your most sensitive sweet spot, typically with varying levels of power to achieve the ultimate orgasm. Fondly known as ‘blended orgasms' or ‘multisensory orgasms’, these climaxes most commonly come about when you combine stimulation to the clitoris and G-spot at the same time, which is exactly what a rabbit vibrator delivers.

Why should I buy a rabbit vibrator?

We’re firm believers that every sex toy collection should include a rabbit vibrator, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Check out what sex therapists and expert sexologists have to say about sex toys.
Rabbit vibrators come in all shapes and sizes, with all sorts of attachments and features for when you’re feeling adventurous. From the classic double-pronged bunny ears that flicker and dance over your clitoris, to features that offer oral sex-like clitoral stimulation with suction heads, to anal beads for double penetration, there really is something to suit every body! Penetration or no penetration, a rabbit vibe is versatile enough to be used on other erogenous zones like the nipples or vulva. Some even have independently controllable dual motors so you can turn on the clitoral vibrator and not the G-spot head, or vice versa.

How do I choose the right vibrator?

Whether the wonderful world of sex toys is new to you or you’re looking for something new, it doesn’t hurt to brush up on what’s available.  Different strokes suit different folks, so it all comes down to what is specifically your pleasure. Heck, half the fun of buying sex toys, whether online or in person at your nearest adult store, is finding out just that! 

our favourite rabbit vibrators this easter

Plenty of rabbit vibrators sport bulbous insertable heads for deep massaging of the G-spot, that magic pleasure zone inside the vagina that deserves just as much teasing and pleasing as your ultra-sensitive clitoris does. Some of our rabbit vibrators offer realistic-feeling sensations, like bulging veins, phallic heads, and thrusting or come-hither stroking motions, while others go wild with out-of-the-ordinary stimulation like ribbed textures and rotating beads in the shaft. Rotating beads offer more stimulation internally and give the vibrator's head a swivelling motion that rubs against your interior walls for an intensely filling sensation. Don’t forget about rabbit vibrators with flexible shafts that conform to all body shapes, sizes, and preferred positions.

How do I use a rabbit vibrator?

As exciting as buying new sex toys can be, nothing is as exciting as trying it out for the first time! If you bought your toy online instead of buying it in-store, take this opportunity to get to know your toy before it gets to know you, inside and out.
  1. After fully charging up or popping fresh batteries into your new toy, hold it in your hand and test the vibration functions one by one (if it has multiple settings). This can help build up anticipation for which one you think you’ll enjoy most and gets you used to the controls as well.
  2. Once you’re ready for the fun to begin, lubricate your toy with a good quality lubricant and get comfy wherever you’re planning to play - be sure to only use lubricants that are compatible with your toy’s material (with water-based lubricants generally being the safest for all-round use with any material).
  3. Slowly insert the larger head and adjust the clitoral arm as needed until they’re both sitting comfortably.
  4. Switch on your toy, starting with the lowest intensity and working your way up - if your toy has a memory function where it resumes on the last used setting, be sure to cycle it all the way back around to the start when testing it.
  5. Enjoy each setting, or if you find one you really vibe with, stick with it and ride it out until the waves of pleasure are crashing all throughout your body!
  6. After you’re done, clean your toy under warm running water and add some toy cleaner or mild soap to disinfect it so it’s sparkling fresh and ready to go for next time!

Who can use a rabbit vibrator?

These sex toys are suitable for every body, no matter their experience level or personal preferences for stimulation type - why not pick up a rabbit vibrator for yourself and see what a thumping good time you can have with your new bunny friend?

rabbit vibrators are must-have women's sex toys

We (and our customers) love the Pretty Love - Liberators Sucking Rabbit Vibrator - it has a bulbous head that will hit your G-spot just right, plus a quilted textured shaft for extra stimulation, though the real showstopper is the clitoris sucker! Instead of a standard vibrating clitoral arm, this nifty toy features a suction chamber that gently surrounds your clitoris and provides contactless stimulation through sucking and air pulsing sensations, which won’t overwhelm the sensitive tissue like direct contact sometimes can. Oh, and did we mention the gorgeous black and gold aesthetic? This is one buzzing beauty that gives you the luxe look for less!


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