Breakfast Bondage - Bedroom Fantasies #62

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Breakfast Bondage - Bedroom Fantasies #62

It was a beautiful sunny morning. The shine was shining in from the windows and the birds were singing. I gently reach my arms up for a morning stretch when I smell the strong scent of bacon from my kitchen. I get up and out of bed, not bothering to make it and instead head straight to the kitchen. As I turn the corner into the room, I steal a glance at my husband in front of me. I look him up and down and a smirk appears on my face. I skip to the kitchen bench where I sit on the wooden breakfast stool and place my elbows on the bench, supporting my chin.

"Good morning my love," says my husband adoringly. I giggle  he still never fails to make me nervous.

"What are you cooking?" I enquire.

"Your favourite, eggs and bacon," Sam replies.

A warm feeling rushes over me and my cheeks turn rosy red. He looks delectable in his pyjamas and apron with the morning sun shining down on his tan skin. He proceeds to tuck a lock of hair behind his ear and turns to face me, planting a kiss on my forehead. I can't take my eyes off him.

The wafting scent of sizzling bacon makes my tummy rumble.

"Breakfast will be ready soon, gorgeous," he says in reply. Suddenly, I find myself in a daydream, imagining him dominating me on the breakfast counter. I snap out of it as he places a plate on the counter in front of me. I bite my lip, ravenous for what's coming.

As we sit behind the bench together enjoying our breakfast, his knee rubs against my upper thigh. A shiver goes up my spine. As I eat, I can't help my mind wandering to places it perhaps shouldn't be, imagining his tough, strong body on top of mine, skin to skin. He turns to look at me and winks, as if he can almost sense what I'm thinking about.

As I finish the last bite, I get up to take our plates to the washer. As I bend down, I feel Sam grab my hip and slowly snake his way down my backside and squeeze. I jumped a little – this was unexpected but happily received. A smirk comes over my face. He swings me around to face him, a hand on my waist and uses the other to guide my chin up to his face, our lips just millimetres from touching. The tension almost becomes overwhelming until he begins to kiss me. First slowly and sensually but then more passionate.

His hand finds their way up my body, from my waist to my breasts and then to their final resting place on my neck. He pulls away from my lips and instead starts to kiss my neck. Just the warmth of his breath on my neck makes me begin to shake with pleasure. I let out a small moan.

Suddenly, with his muscular arms he lifts me onto the kitchen counter. It's cold to the touch. Sam pushes my legs apart and stands directly in front of me, his hips pushing into my inner thighs. The thought of the pleasure to come makes my body weak. I bite my lip seductively and Sam smirks deviously back at me.

He begins to pull me in even closer as we tug hungrily on each other's lips. A soft moan escapes him as my hands begin to undo the crisp button down shirt he's wearing, I shiver with anticipation. Impatient, I rip open his shirt and the rest of the buttons pop off and roll onto the floor. I admire his strong body by caressing my hands up and down his sculpted chest. I've memorised every inch of his muscle and his skin feels smooth to the touch.

"You're going to have to be punished for wrecking my shirt," he whispers into my ear. He traces a line of kisses down my neck and starts to undo my own silk pyjama shirt. I wrap my legs around him as he picks me up so effortlessly and carries me to the bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and climbs on top of me, pinning my arms behind my head. As he holds my arms above my head, he licks and sucks on my now exposed breasts. His toned body is grinding against mine and the friction against my clit feels amazing.

As he looks back at me I see the hunger in his eyes and I know I share the same passion. His hands now find their way down to my pants and with that same hunger he rips them off, along with my panties, and throws them onto the floor. I now lie there completely naked and submissive, awaiting his next move.

"You're a tease, you know," I giggle. With that he shoved my face into the pillow, punishing me for speaking out of turn.

"You know what happens when you speak out of turn, don't you?'' he replies. I shiver knowing full well what's about to happen and I can't wait. Abruptly he flips me over onto my stomach, like I weigh nothing to him. I hear the sound of his pants falling to the floor. I stay completely still, waiting for him to come back. As he crawls back onto the bed I can feel the warmth radiating from his body so close to mine. He straddles me and begins to massage my back, pushing deep into my skin with his fingers. I start to relax when he starts kissing and biting the skin on my back, creating wild fantasies inside my head. I feel a wave of pleasure rush through me. This man knows exactly how to please me.

He takes control and I find myself being handcuffed, now unable to fight back as he continues to tease me. He spreads my cheeks and begins eating me out as if he was starving and the only thing that could satisfy him was my taste. The feeling of his tongue stimulating my clit makes me shake. As he continues to eat me out his fingers slide inside me, slowly at first, then picking up the pace and developing a steady rhythm. Combined with his tongue on my clit, I realised I was close.

"Don't stop!" I shouted, so close to climax.

"You only release when I say so, baby," Sam replies. I try to contain this desire that is coursing through my veins, yet it feels so good that I can't. Heat was building up inside me and my muscles were tightening suddenly I'm shaking with pleasure as I let out a satisfied moan. I can feel myself dripping down my thigh and onto the bed. Sam grabs me and brings my face to his.

"You disobeyed me again. For that you will pay dearly."

He presses me back into the bed and and, as well as him handcuffing me, he blindfolds me too so I can see nothing, but this heightens my other senses, allowing me to feel everything. Suddenly, inch by inch, I feel him filling me, my walls still tight from climax. As he pushes inside me I hear him moan under his breath. He lifts me up underneath my hips to meet his and pushes in even further. My walls flutter to accommodate his full length. With a swift movement he grabs my hair and pulls my hair back. With every thrust I feel him fill me up even deeper than the last. He feels so good inside me, hitting the spot that makes me erupt with pleasure.

Our breathing starts to get faster and heavier as he continues to pound me from behind. I feel him slap my ass, combining pain with pleasure to the point that I can't contain myself anymore.

"Sam!" I scream. He continues to maintain his rhythm, even getting faster. Just as he began to get faster he pushed me around into a new position. Now on my back, he pushed back inside me as I wrapped my legs around him to allow him to go as deep as possible. He leans into the crook of my neck and bites my shoulder, marking me. I let out a loud moan as he rammed into me with such force.

"Stop being so loud," Sam warned. "I'm going to have to shut you up." He lifted up my blindfold for me to see a ball gag and him motioning for me to accept, which I did gladly before he replaced my blindfold. Now unable to see, use my hands, or talk, I was truly at his mercy.

Torturing me, he teases my clit with his tip, rubbing it up and down. He slowly enters me, just to pull back out. I moan in frustration. He provides me with such pleasure I feel the tension building up in my body again.

"What are you going to do about it?" Sam says. "That's right. Nothing. Good girl."

He lifts me up out of bed and presses me up roughly against the wall. With him thrusting into me from behind, I struggle to keep from racing to the edge. It didn't help that he had a finger on my clit maintaining a small circular motion. I braced myself against the wall hoping I could prolong this pleasure but I was overwhelmed by the stimulation I had to release.

Just as I was about to finish, Sam whispers in my ear, "I'm about to cum, baby."

With that, I held off until I knew he was close. He was breathing deeply now and grunting to himself. As I released and clenched his hard member inside of me, I felt his hot cum shoot deep inside me. I loved when he finished inside of me and I loved the feeling of it dripping down my legs. He leaned into me and kissed the back of my neck squeezing me in an embrace. We both collapsed on the bed exhausted. He freed me from all of my restraints and we tenderly kissed.

"That was one good breakfast, baby," I said.

"Yes, delicious," he replied. We both smiled and giggled with each other.

"I love you," he whispered as he gently tucked a loose hair behind my ear.

"I love you too," I replied.

Submitted by Rachel from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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