
Men's sexual health and wellbeing is often overlooked and not talked about. Because it’s seen as such a taboo issue or a reason to feel shame, many men suffer a range of sexual health disorders in silence. This has a negative impact on not only his overall health and wellbeing, but on his mental health and often, his intimate relationships.

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Sexynews #40 | Sexual Health Week - Let's Talk Ladies!

In today’s society, we tend to see sex as something that is more important to men than it is to women but this is simply not the case. What is true is that women often feel more shame in talking about it. This is typically due to historical trends that have shaped how society views sex.

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As women, we experience a multitude of mental & physical issues that come with care-giving, providing for and raising children, keeping the house in order, hormone & mood imbalances (thanks to our menstrual cycle) and some of us work from home too! The corona-virus lockdown measures have amplified women's’ workloads, thus increasing mental health concerns. Read more...

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Sexynews #38 | Lockdown Date Night for Couples Living Apart

Long Distance Date Nights:  Who says you can’t have date nights when you’re unable to be together in person? One of the best ways to keep the romance alive and interest from fading is by making time for each other and spending time together even when you can’t physically be together. There are many great ways you can do this. 

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Sexynews #37 | Lockdown Date Night

Date Night Plans Cancelled?  Being isolated at home doesn't mean you have to put away the romance and forget your date night plans. Let’s face it, date nights don't just happen. They require conscious effort and planning and a sexy night out someplace new and exciting. The only thing missing is the exciting places we are able to go. So what does a couple do for date night when you’re stuck at home? Turns out, there are plenty of fun ideas! Let’s talk about some fun things you can do to make your date night stand out from the monotonous boring nights in.

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Sexynews #36  Keeping Fit with Sexercise

No Personal Trainer Required: It’s hard to imagine a more enjoyable way to burn calories than having sex. Most people would happily trade in that run on the treadmill for a romp between the sheets. Being restricted to activities in lockdown is no excuse for not keeping up the cardio! Every movement you make is burning calories, and the more vigorous you move, the higher your heart rate goes and the more calories you burn! 

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Premature Ejaculation Got You Down?  Premature ejaculation is a common concern amongst men that can be incredibly embarrassing and frustrating to deal with for both you and your partner. Early ejaculation affects all aspects of sex, including your sexual performance, orgasm, and ability to enjoy sex. Find out more.

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Never too old for a good time!  Many things change as we age and medical and physical ailments can get in the way. That doesn’t mean that just because our body is slowing down, our sex lives have to as well. Everyone needs a satisfying sex life for physical and mental health and that sentiment doesn't change as you get older. 

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