Women's Mental Health During Lockdown - Sexynews #39
As women, we experience a multitude of mental & physical issues that come with care-giving, providing for and raising children, keeping the house in order, hormone & mood imbalances (thanks to our menstrual cycle) and some of us work from home too!
The corona-virus lockdown measures have amplified women's’ workloads, thus increasing mental health concerns. This is particularly apparent for those who are in DV relationships, single mothers or caring for family members who have mental or physical disabilities. The social distancing measures have made it difficult for women to seek emotional and mental support. With all of this in mind, we want to discuss some measures that can be taken to help with mental and physical wellbeing during lockdown.
Keeping Up the Cardio
During lockdown and especially during these colder months, it’s quite easy to switch the cardio for Netflix bingeing. But cardio plays an important role in keeping us mentally and physically healthy and shouldn't be forgotten. The benefits of cardio includes but isn’t limited to:
- Burns calories
- Strengthens your hearts
- Boosts mood through the release of the feel good chemicals, endorphins
- Helps you sleep better
- Helps you to lose/maintain a healthy weight
Exercising at Home
It can be difficult to find the time to workout while having so many responsibilities, but there are some ways you can get your heart pumping and blood flowing. Some great ways to get your heart rate up include:
- Skipping rope
- Power walking
- Aerobics
- HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts
- Climb stairs if you have access to some
- Have sex! Feel free to refer to our August 21 Newsletter, Keeping fit with Sexercise for some great tips and advice on how to make workouts more enjoyable and fun with sexercise.
Taking Time to Relax
Many of us find ourselves busier now than we did before the lockdown. Not only are we having to mange busy homes with kids at home 24/7 (often partners too), we're also having to homeschool, maintain the house, yard, all the usual responsibilities and if we're lucky to still have a job, we're also working. It can sometimes seem impossible to find a few minutes to ourselves for some alone time, but we must!
Whenever possible, take walks, meditate, pour yourself a cup of Hot Tea, run a hot Bubble Bath & soak (perfect time to grab a Waterproof Sex Toy for some sexy fun), hide away in the bedroom for a few hours to watch some TV or maybe even read a Raunchy Book. Make this your quiet time and relax!
Maintain Sexual Health
Maintaining good Sexual Health is an important factor for a woman's physical and mental wellbeing. Having a healthy sex life can dramatically improve her mental health and help to reduce stress. When things aren’t working as they should be and the pressures of life in lockdown pile up on top of other everyday struggles, this can have a negative affect.
Sex Toys Can Help!
It might not seem obvious at first but it's true! Sexyland sell a variety of Sex Toys specifically designed to improve women's health and help with sexual dysfunction that comes with life, age and stress. Some of the ways we can help improve our sexual health include:
Use Sex Toys! Vibrators are great for improving sexual health and in most cases, can improve the overall experience of sexual intimacy. Some of the medical conditions a sex toy might be useful for include, vaginal atrophy in menopausal women, incontinence and low libido. The use of a slim vibrator can help loosen the vaginal walls to make it easier for sexual penetration by her partner. In addition to stretching the vaginal tissues, it also helps to lubricate and stimulate the nerves and stimulates blood flow. Of course, there are women who simply cannot engage in penetrative sex and find that Stimulators are very beneficial for enjoying sexual intimacy when intercourse is no longer an option. Our Intimate E-Stimulator Petite Wand Vibrator is ideal to help strengthen and tone pelvic floor muscles.
- Exercise Pelvic Floor Muscles: Pelvic floor kegel exercises are an important part of Women's Sexual Health. They help women maintain a good, strong pelvic floor which in turn, also boosts orgasmic pleasure. Like with any muscle in your body, your vagina benefits from exercise too and with kegels, you can strengthen and tone your vaginal muscles which ultimately boosts your sexual arousal and heightens sensations during sex. Kegel exercises also help improve your ability to reach orgasm while increasing vaginal tone and lubrication. Because kegels improve blood circulation to the vagina, you’re more likely to experience a more fulfilling sexual arousal, similar to how many women feel more aroused during their period. The use of Kegel Balls are used to exercise and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve sexual pleasure. Dilators are another excellent way to exercise the pelvic floor muscles to help improve strength and flexibility.
Benefits of Sex & Masturbation
While we strongly encourage people experiencing a mental health crisis to reach out for help, there are other things that you can do to help maintain good mental health. Other, fun things. :P An ounce of prevention is worth a lifetime of regret.
Studies about sexual intercourse and masturbation have shown that during orgasm, your brain works overtime to produce a number of hormones and neurochemicals. These chemical reactions have a host of benefits to your general and mental health and well-being.
- Dopamine: Plays a major role in reward-motivated behaviour, focuses attention and generally increases motivation.
- Endorphins: Our body's natural pain and stress fighters.
- Oxytocin: Affectionately known as "the cuddle hormone", which can trigger feelings of compassion.
Benefits of Orgasms Include:
- Releases sexual tension
- Reduces stress
- Boosts your mood
- Improves sleep
- Helps you have better sex
- Helps you feel greater pleasure
- Gives you a better understanding of what you need and want in a physical relationship
- Boosts immune system
- Burns calories
Masturbation Toys
It’s been proven that sex and masturbation can help relieve symptoms of mental illness. Sexyland is dedicated to offering a wide range of Masturbation Toys to suit everyone's pleasures. We invite you to embrace the magic of clitoral stimulation. No two women are alike and no two women will masturbate the same way. Whether you enjoy full penetration or clitoral stimulation, our selection of Female Stimulators will certainly have something to drive every woman wild. The Ambi By Lovesense can be used during solo play or with a partner during sex and is available with our Sexyland 1-2 hr Quickie delivery.
It's Not Selfish to Put Yourself First
It's important to get regular exercise, maintain a healthy sex life, socialise with friends and family, and to pamper yourself. It's never selfish to make time for you. It’s virtually a necessity. It takes a committed effort to schedule in some you time but the benefits are well worth it. In the long run, it not only benefits you by making you happier and more relaxed and patient, it benefits the whole family.
Seeking Help
A key factor in keeping good mental health is to have people who relate and can empathise with you and your struggles, even with day-to-day activities. If you do not have someone whom you can talk freely to, consider reaching out to a mental health provider.
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Mum Space: 1300 726 306
Women's Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 007 339
1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732