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Couples In Lockdown Are Turning Their Imaginations To The Bedroom

Couples in lockdown are turning their imaginations to the bedroom
Australians in lockdown are spending more now than pre-lockdown times on their sexual wellbeing.
Data from one of the country’s leading adult retailers, Sexyland, shows significant increases in couples related items, like games, pleasure and fetish items, and massage oils across Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.
Rebecca Grech, national marketing manager for Sexyland, said the purchasing data was a good sign that people, especially couples, were using these tough times to strengthen and explore their own intimacy and wellbeing.
“Certainly, being stuck at home all the time takes a toll on our domestic relationships, but these latest figures show some interesting and reassuring trends in our personal lives,” Grech said.
“And if mid-lockdown isn't the time to get a bit more imaginative in the bedroom, then when is?”
Sexyland compared transaction data from all three States for the month of April, before the onset of the latest lockdowns, to the past month while much of the country has been locked in their homes. More than two thirds of the company’s sales (68%) during that period were made using its home-delivery service.
Victoria - which just tipped 200 days in lockdown - saw the biggest increases in transactions for toys and fetish items. New South Wales increased most significantly in massage oils and body care. And all three States recorded really strong increases in couples games.
Couples’ intimacy games were one of the top 10 most popular items sold across the country, according to Grech. Costumes and lingerie also proved increasingly popular in Victoria, she added.
“It’s extremely encouraging, from a wellbeing perspective, to think people are turning their imaginations during lockdown to exploring and strengthening those sexual relationships during what is otherwise a tough time,” Grech said.
“Australians are youthful, fun-loving people, who are obviously taking this opportunity to experiment a bit more than usual. And that, above all, is really healthy.”
Sexyland believes in people’s right to choose. The retailer welcomes everyone over 18 and stands for equality with religious preferences, sexuality, race and/or nationality, sexual orientation, male, female and non-binary.
“We are about self love and respect for others,” Grech said. “If it is consensual and enjoyed by others, then who are we to judge?”
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