The Sexed-Up Bridge

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Sex Position of the week - the sexed up bridge

It's the first day of a fresh new spring, so if you've been clinging to your heavy winter doona these last few months, it is well and truly time to toss off those covers! If even the warmer mornings aren't enough to get you to an outdoor yoga class, why not add some sexy fun with the Sexed-Up Bridge? This oral sex position is the perfect way to get a full-body workout, all from the privacy and comfort of your own bed...

How to perform the Sexed-Up Bridge position

Start with the receiving partner sitting back on their hands with their legs outstretched and knees bent. Push up with your feet so the part of your body from your thighs to your shoulders is as straight as is comfortable for them and their partner. Supportive pillows or furniture are a great help if you don't have the strength to hold this position for long –we did say it was a full-body workout! Meanwhile, the giving partner can take it easy and lay back on their elbows while feasting upon their lover's sweetest spots.

An alternative version of this position that is easier and doesn't require extra support is having the receiver's shins flat on the mattress and knees on either side of the giver's head. They arch back, using their hands as support while the giving partner lays down with their head propped up on some comfy cushions. This leaves their hands free to roam their partner's body and add extra stimulation as they go to town with their tongue!

Why we love the Sexed-Up Bridge position

This position is great for vaginal, clitoral, perineal, and testicular stimulation (and perhaps even analingus if you can get the angle just right), making it a versatile way to spice up your oral experiences! Plus it leaves plenty of room for the receiver to thrust or gyrate their hips as their pleasure builds and builds... 

Best toys & enhancers to use with the Sexed-Up Bridge position

This position can leave the receiver's upper half feeling left out if the giver can't reach or doesn't have free use of their hands, so liven things up up top with a pair of nipple clamps! The Sexyland Fun Specialists love how creative you can be with these clamps with swivel snap hooks by Poison Rose, which not only deliver exquisite pinching pleasure but can also be attached to lots of other accessories. We recommend a chain of sorts so the giver can tug it every now and then for their lover's sensation without having to reach all the way up to the nipples.

And of course, we can't forget about the giver's pleasure! Why not treat them to something extra-tasty with a flavoured lubricant? Our customers can't get enough of the ever-popular Crème Brûlée flavoured lubricant from JO's® Gelato Range, and once you try it, you won't be able to resist either!


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