Sex After Hysterectomy - Sexynews #51

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Sexynews #51 - Sex After Hysterectomy

The effects a hysterectomy has on a woman’s sex life largely depends on what organs and nerves are affected during the procedure. It can vary from woman to woman.

What is a hysterectomy for?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus and possibly some of the surrounding structures. This procedure is usually performed if there are any medical conditions that medication alone can not fix. Having this procedure can relieve pain and other symptoms from conditions like fibroids, adenomyosis or endometriosis, if you have uterine or cervical cancer, it could save your life.

How does a hysterectomy affect a woman's sex life?

Any surgery can have both short-term and long-term side effects and much of this depends on the type of surgery you’ve had and what was removed. A hysterectomy can dramatically impact your sex life in the weeks, months and even years following the procedure. But it shouldn’t prevent you from having sex, and enjoying it, once you’ve recovered. Many woman say that their sex life has even improved after the recovery, especially if the procedure was performed to alleviate pain and/or discomfort. Not every woman has the same experience and for some, the effects on their sex life can be devastating.

Physical changes after hysterectomy

A hysterectomy can change the way you physically experience sex. The vaginal capacity can be tighter after a hysterectomy and deep penetration might not be comfortable or possible afterwards. When a woman is aroused, her vagina grows longer and wider while releasing a natural lubricant for sexual activity. Extra time spent on foreplay can help ensure the vagina is lengthened to allow for pleasurable intercourse. If this isn’t enough to help her self-lubricate, we recommend trying a Personal Lubricant for Her to help assist.

How do I manage painful intercourse?

Treating painful intercourse, known as dyspareunia, after a hysterectomy can include different treatment methods, but one proven way is the use of vaginal Dilators. Some women can also have difficulty reaching orgasm, following the hysterectomy, so prolonged foreplay is encouraged. While you are recovering from the procedure it’s recommended that you make sure that you are fully recovered before attempting penetrative sex. Implementing sex toys that concentrate on clitoral stimulation such as a Stimulator, will not only give you sexual pleasure, it’ll ensure that you reach a level of arousal to ensure you reach orgasm.

Lack of sensation & natural lubrication

Decreased vaginal sensation is also something that may occur after your procedure, so the use of Sex Toys that concentrate on clitoral stimulation are ideal. Many women also experience vaginal dryness after a hysterectomy which is often linked to decreased levels of arousal. The use of a good quality, water based Lubricant is crucial. The Bio Sensitive Water Based Lubricant is perfect for anyone recovering from surgery who may be sensitive to some cosmetic products. Alternatively, you may want to try the Pjur Woman Bodyglide, specifically formulated to assist women with moisture imbalances.

Loss of libido

Your ovaries are responsible for producing testosterone and oestrogen which are the integral hormones for the libido. They also produce a natural lubrication that assists with sexual penetration. If you have had them removed as a part of the hysterectomy, this could dampen your sex drive and require more effort to enjoy sex again. Implementing more sensual time with your partner, focusing on foreplay and using Female Sexual Enhancers and Stimulants can help to increase your libido.

Types of orgasms to expect

A hysterectomy shouldn’t affect your ability to experience a clitoral or g-spot orgasm, however, it can impact other parts of your body that relied on the intense muscle contractions that may now be removed. For some women, this means relearning her body and learning new ways to adapt. Many women find that focusing on achieving a clitoral orgasm can be satisfying enough while some find that doing so can lead to more intense orgasms spreading through her body, despite the loss of some sexual organs. Clitoral stimulators like the Satisfyer Pro 2+ are a huge favourite because they stimulate the blood flow to the clitoral region which enhances the experience and leads to bigger and better orgasms. Many women also experience multiples!

Real life testimonial

“Having had a near total hysterectomy myself, I’ve experienced a dramatic loss of sexual interest in the months and years that followed. What helped me regain my libido was that I stopped focusing on reaching the big O internally and started investing more in clitoral stimulator sex toys. The Satisfyer Pro is my favourite! It has been a game changer and has dramatically increased my sexual arousal and level of orgasmic pleasure. I find that focusing on attaining a clitoral orgasm first helps me to build toward a bigger and more powerful wave of orgasms shortly after that spread throughout my body. Can't knock multiples! Honestly, when I have these types of orgasms, I don’t even notice that anything’s missing. It just feels normal again. In fact, I've even had some of the BEST orgasms of my life!”

Having a hysterectomy doesn't have to be the end of your sex life. While some women experience more difficulty than others, most find that with the help of sex toys and enhancers, they can regain a perfectly normal and fulfilling sex life again.


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